Saturday 27 July 2013

Headed Straight into The Shining Sun

We moved to Singapore in March 2012. It was my job to go house hunting as the hubby straight away joined at work. The kids and I visited a few flats. Then, a huge surprise awaited us at Thomson 800. The unit had a huge blank wall space which had a lovely brown and gold frame already mounted on the wall. Obviously someone had put a painting in there before and had taken it back with them when they left. It was as if the house was waiting for an artist to come and put a new piece in the frame.
I set to work. Singapore was all about new beginnings. We had been in Bangalore for 9 years before this and as the city progressively deteriorated over the years, the stress levels and madness also got into us common folk who lived there. We got out.

This painting is titled Headed Straight into the Shining Sun ( yes, very much after the Floyd Song!) and is a family portrait. So the pianist is red would be me, the bassist is my husband and I gave the kids some maracas and a tambourine to join the family band...

1 comment:

  1. I guess your awesomeness as a person reflects in your work. :) Here's to a picture perfect ' everything'!!!
